copy the text from ssh editor to local
cntrl+insert for copy
shift +insert for paste
grep commands for daily use
grep -B 3 -A 2 'Invalid user' /var/log/auth.log
refer the link
scp command to transfer files
for more refer this link
1. search text in vi editor
- Press ESC key.
- Type /vivek.
- Hit n to search forwards for the next occurrence of word named “vivek”. You can press N to search backwards.
- Press ESC key.
- Type /vivek.
- Hit n to search forwards for the next occurrence of word named “vivek”. You can press N to search backwards.
Find Files linux commad
find / -name "*conf"
find /home/exampleuser/ -name "*conf"
find / -name "*conf"
find /home/exampleuser/ -name "*conf"
2. How to unpack (ungzip, unarchive) a tar.gz file
For many systems, REBOL is distributed as a tar gz file. This is a common archive format. Here's how to unpack it...
For tar.gz
To unpack a tar.gz file, you can use the tar command from the shell. Here's an example:
tar -xzf rebol.tar.gz
The result will be a new directory containing the files.
(Also, on many systems, when you download the tar.gz from a web browser, an unpacker will open, and you can just use that.)
For just .gz (.gzip)
In some cases the file is just a gzip format, not tar. Then you can use:
gunzip rebol.gz
In order to execute it, you will need to add execute permissions to the file:
chmod +x rebol
for more refer below videos on detailed commands
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