Monday, November 18, 2019

soap ui

soap ui file reading via groovy script

for more please refer

// To get the output value, use the built-in result map object
def groovyUtils = new
def projectPath = groovyUtils.projectPath
def directoryName = projectPath + "/testData"
def row = testRunner.testCase.testSteps["DataSource"].currentRow
def allFiles = []
new File( directoryName ).eachFile() { file ->
    if( =~ /.txt/ ) {
        allFiles.add( ) }
if ( (row + 1) <= allFiles.size ) {
    // Output to the test step property called inputData
    result["inputData"] = new File( directoryName + "/" + allFiles[row] ).text

IOT languages

LUA has emerged as an extensible procedural language that is mostly designed to support procedural programming with powerful data description facilities. Since it is an embedded language, LUA needs to be embedded in a host client in order to function well. To help developers build IoT-enabled applications, LUA offers a framework called Node.lua that is built on lightweight Lua interpreter and libuv for event-driven (non-blocking I/O model).

Parallel Specification And Implementation Language is another unusual language that can build highly parallel yet secure applications which can be mapped to multicore, manycore, heterogeneous, or distributed architectures. ParaSail is a feature-rich language in terms of module parameterization, interface separation from implementation, and module-independent invariants, etc.

Yes, there is a variant of PHP language too available for IoT development. Not only a language but a hardware platform also, PHP on Chip (PHPoC) is a general-purpose language for IoT with most syntaxes and core functions inherited from PHP. Addition of new functions like I/O, UART, I2C, SPI, ADC, TIMER/COUNTER, RTC etc. gives it the ability to interact with hardware peripherals in a better way.

Similar to C/C++, Rust also conceives fine-grained memory management and low runtime overhead, which makes it a strong candidate in the IoT-friendly language list. Popularly known as an alternative to C, Rust is used for system programming and safeguards memory from getting corrupted. With basic structure and easy to learn syntaxes, Rust has become a language of choice for many IoT developers.


Google’s child, Golang or Go programming language is considered a big player in IoT platform development because of its inherent qualities like inbuilt concurrency and ability to maximising the hardware usage to boost performance. Go’s cloud community support makes it real easy for learners to get acquainted with the knowledge of IoT development super quick and in a very

Type Casting in C++
